How to enable or disable comments in Blogger pages and posts

Disable or enable Comments box In Blogger

Are you looking to how to hide, disable, and enable comments on the blogger Static posts and pages.

Via Commenting user will show his experience along with your post or your blog/site. The commenting system is also showing your user engagement along with your site. A blog post with a lot of comments is said to be an engaging post. 

So, without commenting on a blog post or page is not completed, but on the other hand, in some cases, we want to disable blog comments from a particular static page or post.

Comments can improve a blog in many guises. Also, Both convert a speech into a forum and builds community. 

Moreover, words can help to boost SEO. So, why you want to disable comments on the blogger platform?

You know comments to help people Feedback with improving community relationship skill.

Yet it’s also true that a post disables comments for some reason for nasty comments or spammy.

3 Reasons For Disable comments:-

  1.  Like Contact US, Privacy Policy, About Us pages are no need to have comments. So we would like to disable comments from these pages.
  2. If a post has lots of comments and we want to show only new comments.
  3. If we receive spamming comments on a post, then we want to stop comments on that post.

How to enable or disable comments on Blogger pages & posts

Set To do blogger comments options, go to blogger Settings » Writing from the left sidebar of your Blogspot admin post admin dashboard. On this page, your need to block and unblock the option that says, “Reader comments Allow, Do not allow, show existing, or Do not allow, hide existing. 

You can permit people to post comments on new articles,” and select the option, then click on the comment Save button to page and post. It will disable/enable comments on the selection of your planned posts.

The most advanced method posts a restriction on all the pages of the site Spam. You set or separate from specified pages, and the following tips are to do the following.

  1. Login to the Blogger Account and visit the dashboard.
  2. Select pages and check on Edit on the pages or post that you want specific changes.
  3. Now see the Post Editor right sidebar details of Page and Post Settings.
  4. Now choose the options that you want to disable or enable for your post or page.
  5. Following select to doing so, choose “Done.” And your changes save option.

Note: See the commentary features: the “don’t allow, show existing” stops the new but shows the existing. The “don’t allow, hide existing” feature does neither allow to comment, not show the existing comments.

How to disable comments From Static box of post in BlogSpot: -

How to disable comments From Static box of post in BlogSpot

  1. Log in to your Blogger account and go to your Blogger dashboard.
  2. Select posts that you to disable or enable comments and click edit potion.
  3. Now open your post editor.
  4. In the right sidebar, you will all post settings.
  5. Click on options you want to Choose.
  6. Click the done save button or Update page.

How to Enable Comments From box Static of page in Blogger:-

Enable Comments From box Static of page in Blogger

  1.  Go to Blogger admin dashboard.
  2. Select the page which you went change comment box permission.
  3. Select a page and click the edit pop button.
  4.  You, Will, See page Setting Options.
  5. Click on options You want to Choose.
  6. Click save key, update done page.

It finally has been done. You can enable/disable the comment section from any of your static pages or posts. 

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